Simone Peirache
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Permanent exhibition at the Atelier « Le Passeur de Lumière ».

Exposures 2008:

• On Line International Art Fair, Alba Galery, March 2008 - March 2009
• On Line Biennale of Contemporary Art 2008, London,

• December 2008, Laureate of International Award "Michelangelo Buonarroti 2008", and of Special Award "Diritti Umani 2008", Associazione Culturale Italia in Arte, Brindisi, Italy.
• November 2008, Exposure 'Art en Capital', Salon of French Artists, Grand Palais, Paris.
• October 2008, Exposure with the painter photographer d'Albert,, Tourism office des Sablettes, La Seyne .
• July 2008, Exposure "Folgore 2008" con Premio "Italia", Accademia Italiana 'Gli Etruschi', Livourne, Italy.
• June 2008, Sculpture meeting, Galery of Green Mutual, Toulon.
• May 2008, Laureate of International Award 'Il Perugino', International Academy 'Il Marzocco', Florence, Italy.
• April 2008, 'GMAC', Paris Bastille .
• April 2008, Contemporanean Art Salon, Labour House, La Seyne sur Mer.
• April 2008, French Art Salon , with United Nations / UNRIC as official partners, Forum du Casino, Hyères les Palmiers.
• From 26 March to 6 April 2008, Exposure "Women ... I love you",, Labour House, La Seyne sur Mer.
• From 14 March to 2 April 2008, Exposure 'Art and Solidarity', French Red Cross,Ollioules.
• January 2008, 'Women Talents' Exhibition, Salle Gérard Philipe, la Garde.

Previous Exposures

2007 on November: 'Contemporanea', 11th édition, Forli, Italy.
2007 on October Autumn Exhibition of Sculpture and Painting, Labour Exchange, La Seyne sur Mer- Honour guest.
2007 on September, Third Sculpture Exhibition, Salle Pierre Puget, Ollioules
2007 on September: 3rd Sculpture Exhibition, Labour Exchange, La Seyne sur Mer.
2007 on August: 10 th Sculpture Exhibition, Feast room of Carqueiranne town hall.
2007 on July: First International Sculpture Exhibition, Château des Vintimille, le Luc en Provence.
2007 on June: ”Creatives Arts in Street", le Beausset, first prize of sculpture.
2007 on June: 9th Painters and Sculptors Exhibition, Palais Longchamp, Marseille.
2007 on June: Arts Week in Collobrières.
2007 on April: Spring exhibition, Labour Exchange, La Seyne sur Mer.
2006 on September: Second Sculpture Exhibition, Pierre Puget area, Ollioules.
2006 on August: 9 th Sculpture Exhibition, Feast room of Carqueiranne town hall.
2006 on March: "Feminine Art", old mill area, Ollioules.
2006 on March: "Woman Day Exposure", Café Culture, Toulon.
2006 on March: "Woman Day Exposure", 'Bern Art' Gallery, Toulon.
2006 on February: Personal Sculpture Exhibition, Espace Jules de Greling, le Brusc Six Fours.
2005 on September: First Sculpture Exhibition, Pierre Puget area, Ollioules.
2005 on August: 8 th Sculpture Exhibition, Feast room of Carqueiranne town hall.
2005 on July: Big Arts Festival, Labour Exchange, La Seyne sur Mer.
2005 on July: Exposure « Nouvelles tendances surréalistes et fantastiques », Artitude gallery, Paris XV°.
2005 on June : « Art du Nu » Exhibition, Espace Champerret à Paris XVII°.
2005 on April : Exposure « Saint Laurent » gallery at Ollioules.
2004 on April: Exposure and concourse, Salle Sextus à Aix en Provence: aquarelle first prize.
2001 on December and 2002 2003 on May : exposures « Mains de Femmes » to Palais Neptune, Toulon.

Arbre de Vie © S.Peirache

Tree of Life ©
June 2004
Enamelled and weathered Terra Cotta
H=25,2 L=11,8 P=11,8 (Inches)